Introducing Amanda, Undead Socialite

I have to thank Mark del Franco for turning me on to Len Peralta's zombie art. Although, there's not even the slightest resemblance to the main character of my novel, I love Len Peralta's vision of Amanda, from the shi-shi cigarette holder and chignon, down to the dog that looks a bit like our dog Chaz (only happy).

Aren't you jealous? Don't you want a zombie? Well, for a mere twenty bucks you can get your very own zombie art, just head over to Monster By Mail, give Len a title for your zombie, and let the magic happen. He's quick, too; I swear it was only last week that I ordered her. I can't wait for the actual hard copy!

Braaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnsssssss, darling!


Anonymous said…
Good stuff! The art style kinda reminds me about the Bee People or the Gamilons from Space Cruiser Yamato. I'm sure there's no connection...just my silly little mind.
