Introducing Amanda, Undead Socialite
I have to thank Mark del Franco for turning me on to Len Peralta's zombie art. Although, there's not even the slightest resemblance to the main character of my novel, I love Len Peralta's vision of Amanda, from the shi-shi cigarette holder and chignon, down to the dog that looks a bit like our dog Chaz (only happy).
Aren't you jealous? Don't you want a zombie? Well, for a mere twenty bucks you can get your very own zombie art, just head over to Monster By Mail, give Len a title for your zombie, and let the magic happen. He's quick, too; I swear it was only last week that I ordered her. I can't wait for the actual hard copy!
Braaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnsssssss, darling!

Braaaaaaiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnsssssss, darling!