Maybe Voodoo Can Save You From the LKH Zombies!
Cross-posted from my livejournal.
I'm in my family room, recovering from all the Laurell K. Hamilton madness (and there was madness). Tons of fans (I felt like a spy), some of whom were quite verbal about their polyamory (I wish I could take an SOS pad to my mind to get the image out). Ms. Hamilton is a charismatic speaker, I'll give her that and her fans ate it up, with ferocity (they would have gladly eaten the author, as well, I fear). As Cherie said, "(Regardless of what you think of her writing) she's doin' something right." I have to agree, the turnout was impressively salivating. Overall, I enjoyed the evening. Thanks in no small part to cmpriest and Kat Richardson. That's
katatomic to you eljayers. She's cross-posting her blog here, so show her some love.
The page proofs went back to Kensington yesterday, so I'm relieved that I can focus entirely on the manuscript. Particularly since everyone on my friendlist seems to be typing their fingers bloody. Solidarity! *raises fist* LKH did have some words of advice on writing. She said she started by writing two pages a day, five days a week. I know of at least three writers in the back of an auditorium that raised their eyebrows.
The fireplace is roaring (or whatever the verb is to connote a reasonable gas powered facsimile), and it's entirely true that the neighborhood is blanketed in an appropriate mid-Fall fog bank (as opposed to an inappropriate one, which I'll leave to your creativity to elaborate). I'm listening to Four Tet do that acid jazz/experimental thing (3625 Pt. 1), while I write about vodou ritual and haute couture (who knew describing incantations and processes would be so difficult?).
Help me Papa Legba!
I'm in my family room, recovering from all the Laurell K. Hamilton madness (and there was madness). Tons of fans (I felt like a spy), some of whom were quite verbal about their polyamory (I wish I could take an SOS pad to my mind to get the image out). Ms. Hamilton is a charismatic speaker, I'll give her that and her fans ate it up, with ferocity (they would have gladly eaten the author, as well, I fear). As Cherie said, "(Regardless of what you think of her writing) she's doin' something right." I have to agree, the turnout was impressively salivating. Overall, I enjoyed the evening. Thanks in no small part to cmpriest and Kat Richardson. That's
The page proofs went back to Kensington yesterday, so I'm relieved that I can focus entirely on the manuscript. Particularly since everyone on my friendlist seems to be typing their fingers bloody. Solidarity! *raises fist* LKH did have some words of advice on writing. She said she started by writing two pages a day, five days a week. I know of at least three writers in the back of an auditorium that raised their eyebrows.
The fireplace is roaring (or whatever the verb is to connote a reasonable gas powered facsimile), and it's entirely true that the neighborhood is blanketed in an appropriate mid-Fall fog bank (as opposed to an inappropriate one, which I'll leave to your creativity to elaborate). I'm listening to Four Tet do that acid jazz/experimental thing (3625 Pt. 1), while I write about vodou ritual and haute couture (who knew describing incantations and processes would be so difficult?).
Help me Papa Legba!