Add Your Own Title...Smart Ass!

I'm having a hard time writing at home. Between the dogs, the internet and chores, distractions abound. So, I'm going to post this and hit the road. It's time for that tried and true method of wordsmithing: the coffee shop. What is it about coffee shops that bring out the story? Um. The endless flow of caffeine. I'm on it.

But, before I go, a few things...

On Friday, I got another puffy manila envelope from Kensington! I took pictures again, but now I can't find the cable thingie to upload them from my camera (another thing that would take up my day, cord hunt). Anyway, It was the Kensington sale catalog, I'm on page 43 with lots of nice things said about the book (Two more that I'm excited about: Richelle Mead's SUCCUBUS ON TOP is on 6 and Rayo Casablanca's 6 SICK HIPSTERS is on 63). I showed it off all weekend, 'cuz I'm humble and modest.

Stacia Kane, aka December Quinn, aka writer buddy has her first League of Reluctant Adults post up. It's entitled, Dying is Easy...Comedy is Hard. Pimp her out and she's got an awesome magnet prize you could win. And me wants one bad!

Remember, you'll need to exercise your pimp muscles tomorrow, too. I'll be at the League hawking my comedy wares, not sure what exactly, but it's certain to be something provocative, ludicrous, or smarmy. So if you're a fan of any of those adjectives then you'll be in luck. Plus, there will be a fantastic prize package*.

*I said prize package. The key word is package. Package, I say.


Stacia said…
But gee, big is the package?

Because I want to know if it's worth my time, first. A girl's gotta have her standards.