Progress on my Blood Blister
I'm taking the first of it for critique from my writer's group. It is coming along, in a foul bubbling sense. I'm focusing specifically on my schizo-heroic panhandler, really developing back story and a chilly damp atmosphere, that I can spot with islands of mold, and dump on buckets of bile and flies. It's all about the fun.
We'll see what they say.
My goal of 1500 words a day, went out the window for the three day weekend–as it has a tendency to do when no one else has to work. I'm so easily distracted that when my wife is home, I rarely bother to write. Blog? That's another story.
Current distractions: Rome premiered: "Where are my Children!" Verenous shouted. To which Erastes responded, "I f**ked 'em, killed 'em and threw 'em in the river." Harsh right? And, it was such a small stain. We've got the Psych marathon on Tivo–cute show. My best friend's birthday at the casino. The dogs need baths.
We'll see what they say.
My goal of 1500 words a day, went out the window for the three day weekend–as it has a tendency to do when no one else has to work. I'm so easily distracted that when my wife is home, I rarely bother to write. Blog? That's another story.
Current distractions: Rome premiered: "Where are my Children!" Verenous shouted. To which Erastes responded, "I f**ked 'em, killed 'em and threw 'em in the river." Harsh right? And, it was such a small stain. We've got the Psych marathon on Tivo–cute show. My best friend's birthday at the casino. The dogs need baths.
I got a boost from my writing group, not a boost, really, more of a boot… to the ass. God bless 'em. But my interest in the new project was reinvigorated, so I won't have to kill anyone, luckily.
Kick butt on your rewrites. Tick Tock. No pressure.