Hey Y'all Want Some Amazon?

My infrequent, unscheduled and only moderately sane urban fantasy interview series continues this week with author Jeanne Stein (Legacy) and a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card!!! You might want to check that out, seeing how that's three free books and all (4 if you get in on the 3 for 4 paperback deal). You'd best go there now.

Also, turning this into a bit o' links post. Michele Bardsley asked a few of her friends (me included) a very important question (read not...at all) over on her blog.

And while we're at it, you know who's got a book out this week? Richelle. That's right you can pick up Succubus Dreams from many a fine retailer and swoon over the writer guy who kinda looks like John Cusack and laugh at Georgina's smart-ass mouth.

Back to work...
