A Big Fat Honorable Mention
tmthomas earned an honorable mention, which was in essence first place, in the what's the secret message in the cover love post! By correctly identifying the message on the Kensington address label (seen below), tmthomas has earned the distinctive and highly sought after honor of a mention. I know I am completely honored to mention that tmthomas is a keen-eyed observer of life, and quite the bon vivant (in the sense of his refined and sociable taste--and by that I mean a clear love for the reality TV).
Here's whattmthomas found:
An awful image, it's truly amazing tmthomasfound it at all. In case you can't read it...
Watcha Lookin'
Here fur?
Nosy, Parker 00100
Congratulationstmthomas, you've earned it.
Here's what
An awful image, it's truly amazing tmthomas
Watcha Lookin'
Here fur?
Nosy, Parker 00100
Back to me.