An Explosive Fourth (and I'm not talkin' diarrhea)
Yesterday's Fourth of July Extravaganza in Tacoma was everything I'd thought it would be and less. To start, we took the bus, because, c'mon let's be honest, parking around the waterfront is insane. The entire city showed up, which is nice because what would they have done with all that food? The weather was great, like 80, with lots of shade. Spent a lot of time lying around on the grass and watching shirtless methheads (picked skin and all) get hauled off by the platoons of cops that strolled about like ants at a picnic. Speaking of picnics, we had these king-size corndogs, which were massive and excellent and heart-stopping, roasted corn, and beignets with lots of powdered sugar. Yeah, that's right, I was bound up.
The fireworks were brilliant in vibrant shades of Eastside Pyru Blood Red and Crips Blue. All the gang members and their twelve year old chickenheads loved them. We did, too. About halfway into the show, Seattle started there spectacular; we had a great vantage of both. I was only mildly disappointed when I realized that the big big city had shells that lit up like Saturn, with rings and all.
Afterword, we headed to the buses which were lined up like an apocalyptic evacuation were occurring (4 across and 20 deep). I was happy with the organization of it, they had us out of there faster than explosive diarrhea (sorry, couldn't resist).
How was your Fourth?
The fireworks were brilliant in vibrant shades of Eastside Pyru Blood Red and Crips Blue. All the gang members and their twelve year old chickenheads loved them. We did, too. About halfway into the show, Seattle started there spectacular; we had a great vantage of both. I was only mildly disappointed when I realized that the big big city had shells that lit up like Saturn, with rings and all.
Afterword, we headed to the buses which were lined up like an apocalyptic evacuation were occurring (4 across and 20 deep). I was happy with the organization of it, they had us out of there faster than explosive diarrhea (sorry, couldn't resist).
How was your Fourth?