Sufficiently Bulked Up!

I've added everything I need to the manuscript, and it's been bulked up considerably from 74,445 words to approx. 82,000. Nice and fat. Unlike me, I'm dieting like a crazy person. I'm still cleaning up some residual bad habits, but the end is in sight (both book and weight). I can't wait to send the f**ker off to my editor, and dig back in to Road Trip. Plus, I might actually finish some of the books in my reading list. That'd be a coup.

I did get a chance to see Zodiac. Loved it. Long movie so go for the smaller drink, or bring an empty bottle if you're adventurous. Robert Downey, Jr. continues to do really good work, but Fincher is the star, the man knows a thing or two about building tension. There is a scene featuring the long absent Ione Skye that will creep you the f**k out!

Back to the minutiae.
